Sanitary Conditions of Workshops and Factories in New York City

Graph with Table Results

Survey Results on Sanitary Conditions of Workshops and Factories 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 11.5% 30.7% 57.8% Is there free circulation of air through and about the building in which you work? QA1 13.2% 14.3% 72.5% Does the work require the employes to stoop over? QA7 18.1% 39% 42.9% Are there stairways from the windows outside? QA10 20.2% 47.2% 32.5% Are the rooms supplied with water pipes? QA11 21.6% 15.6% 62.8% Are there separate water-closets for males and females[?] QA9 22.3% 12.6% 65.1% Are employes furnished with pure drinking water? QA6 24.1% 47.1% 28.7% Are there water tanks and buckets on each floor? QA14 26.7% 45.9% 27.4% Are there hose attachments? QA12 27.4% 15% 55.8% Are there facilities for washing? QA4 29% 28.8% 42.2% Are there offensive odors in the rooms occupied by employes[?] QA2 29% 27.3% 43.7% Are there proper and separate facilities for change of dress by males and females? QA8 36.8% 23.7% 39.5% Are seats provided, as prescribed by law? QA5 Legend: = Blank = No = Yes, but fined = Yes
Click on a bar on the graph to see the numerical breakdown of responses for each survey question. Scroll down for more survey questions and response data, and a view of the original 19th-century survey results. Thanks to Alex Mielnicki for the SVG design!
Survey Id Question Yes Yes, but fined No Blank Total Responses
QA1 Is there free circulation of air through and about the building in which you work? 468 249 93 810
QA2 Are there offensive odors in the rooms occupied by employes[?] 342 233 235 810
QA4 Are there facilities for washing? 460 14 124 226 824
QA5 Are seats provided, as prescribed by law? 320 192 298 810
QA6 Are employes furnished with pure drinking water? 527 102 181 810
QA7 Does the work require the employes to stoop over? 587 116 107 810
QA8 Are there proper and separate facilities for change of dress by males and females? 354 221 235 810
QA9 Are there separate water-closets for males and females[?] 509 126 175 810
QA10 Are there stairways from the windows outside? 350 318 148 816
QA11 Are the rooms supplied with water pipes? 265 385 165 815
QA12 Are there hose attachments? 224 375 218 817
QA14 Are there water tanks and buckets on each floor? 236 387 198 821

Other Survey Questions:

Sources of Offensive Odors

Survey Id Question Water Closet Other Sources Total Responses
QA3 [If there are offensive odors in the rooms], from what causes? 81 73 154

Standing or Sitting at Work

Survey Id Question Sit Stand Optional Blank Total Responses
QA13 Are employees compelled to stand or sit at their work? 469 175 67 99 810
19th-century survey data